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Buy­er bonus on move-in ready homes at RiverPlace

Get a $5,000 buy­er bonus to use towards clos­ing costs when you buy a move-in ready home at River­Place in Hills­boro by Octo­ber 31st. River­Place is an afford­able fam­i­ly neigh­bor­hood with homes prices start­ing in the low $400s. Locat­ed in south­east Hills­boro, this com­mu­ni­ty offers con­ve­nient access to schools, parks, and pub­lic trans­porta­tion.

This beau­ti­ful neigh­bor­hood is in one of the most up-in-com­ing parts of Hills­boro. The homes have styl­ish, maple wood cab­i­netry, tiled mas­ter bath­rooms, front and rear yard land­scap­ing and full yard fenc­ing. Sit­u­at­ed next door to the local ele­men­tary school, with plen­ty of side­walks and neigh­bor­hood walk­ing paths, this loca­tion is great for fam­i­lies.

Con­tact Steve Alves for com­plete details or drop by River­Place open Thurs­day through Sun­day 12 – 5pm.

Steve Alves
Pre­mière Prop­er­ty Group

*Pro­mo­tion is only avail­able on move-in ready homes at River­Place. Sales con­tract for your home must be signed by Octo­ber 31, 2019 in order to be eli­gi­ble. This offer is not valid with any oth­er pro­mo­tions and is sub­ject to deposit require­ments as out­lined in the pur­chase and sale agree­ment. Please con­tact a sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive for com­plete details.

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Where Riverside Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
Cedar Canyon Beaverton mid $800s
Taylor Park Beaverton high $500s
Lee Meadow Forest Grove high $500s
Deer Fern Ridge Bethany Coming Soon
Cedar Creek Sherwood low $700s
Jamestowne Village Tigard mid $800s
Scholls Meadow Tigard mid $600s

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