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Free air con­di­tion­er* pro­mo extend­ed through July!

River­side Homes is extend­ing the free air con­di­tion­er* pro­mo­tion on any quick move-in homes through July 2020. This offer applies to all con­tracts mutu­al­ly accept­ed by July 30, 2020. Con­tact a sales agent today for com­plete details.

*Pro­mo­tion is only avail­able on quick move-in homes. The air-con­di­tion­er will be sized accord­ing­ly to the size of your home by an HVAC con­trac­tor. Sales con­tract for your home must reach mutu­al accep­tance by July 31, 2020 in order to be eli­gi­ble for the free air-con­di­tion­er. This offer is not valid with any oth­er pro­mo­tions and is sub­ject to deposit require­ments as out­lined in the pur­chase and sale agree­ment. Air con­di­tion­er make and mod­el num­bers are sub­ject to change with equiv­a­lent val­ue with­out notice. Please con­tact a sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive for com­plete details.

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Where Riverside Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
Cedar Canyon Beaverton mid $800s
Taylor Park Beaverton Sold Out
Deer Fern Ridge Bethany Coming Soon
Cedar Creek Sherwood low $700s
Jamestowne Village Tigard mid $800s
Scholls Meadow Tigard mid $600s

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