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Free move-in ready upgrade pack­age at Cedar Canyon

For a lim­it­ed time, enhance your beau­ti­ful new home with a com­pli­men­ta­ry, lux­u­ry move-in ready upgrade pack­age* on fin­ished homes at Cedar Canyon in Beaverton.

River­side Homes is offer­ing a Bosch refrig­er­a­tor, a wash­er and dry­er, and win­dow cov­er­ings at no cost on all sales of move-in ready homes at Cedar Canyon from now until July 16th. Up to a $14,000 value!

Find your dream home at Cedar Canyon and make the mov­ing process a breeze with this lim­it­ed time offer. 

Con­tact Tamiko to sched­ule a tour today!

Tamiko K War­ren
TK Real Estate Group

*Move-in ready upgrade pack­age pro­mo­tion is only avail­able on the pur­chase of a move-in ready home at Cedar Canyon that reach­es mutu­al accep­tance by 7/16/23. Con­tact sales agent for a com­plete list of move-in ready homes and upgrade details. Exact val­ue of upgrade pack­age varies by floor plan. This offer is not valid with any oth­er pro­mo­tions or exist­ing con­tracts and is sub­ject to deposit require­ments as out­lined in the pur­chase and sale agreement.

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Where Riverside Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
Cedar Canyon Beaverton mid $800s
Taylor Park Beaverton high $500s
Lee Meadow Forest Grove high $500s
Deer Fern Ridge Bethany Coming Soon
Cedar Creek Sherwood low $700s
Jamestowne Village Tigard mid $800s
Scholls Meadow Tigard mid $600s

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